Saturday, October 25, 2008

Becoming a Peace Agent

I was reading an MS book recently, and there was a part about Christopher Reeve that really hit home with me. The context of the chapter was about reducing stress in your life, which is critical for those with MS. Christopher Reeve came up with the concept of being a "peace agent." Essentially, a peace agent is someone who consciously lives life in a steady stream without letting all the potential stresses rile them up unnecessarily along the way. Anyone who knows me understands that this will be a HUGE challenge for me, but I am excited to take it on!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Scary Stuff!

This is a very discouraging article about people who are holding off on preventative medicine and necessary medical procedures because they can't afford it right now. This will only hurt everyone in the future!! Healthcare is already rising at a 9% annual inflation rate.

I also just read this in a Business Week article: "The Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit that studies health-care issues, estimates that McCain's plan would reduce the number of uninsured Americans by 1.3 million over the next decade, at a cost of $1.3 billion, while Obama's plan would reduce the uninsured by 34 million and cost $1.63 billion." Hmmmm...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ponytail Coming to a City Near You

Molly's band is on another US tour...check them out!

10/4 Vancouver
10/6 Portland
10/8 San Francisco
10/9 Santa Cruz
10/10 LA
10/11 UC Irvine
10/12 Phoenix - Modified Arts, Roosevelt and 3rd Street
10/23 Baltimore
10/31 Brooklyn

For venues & future dates, go to myspace, search Ponytail Baltimore...also available on itunes!