Friday, September 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It feels great to be home in AZ tonight...a little warm at 100+ but good nonetheless. Thanks Grandma Bee for the best meal I've had in weeks. Big weekend of wedding planning and a shower ahead, very excited! Much love to you, Paul, who has been more incredible and supportive than I could have ever asked for over the past few weeks. You continue to amaze me. I'm off to watch Letterman continue to ream doesn't end!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Loving Suze Orman

Suze Orman is on Oprah...I've always been skeptical of her but she is providing some really smart economic insight. She's harsh - telling people to stop buying things they can't afford, keep your cars for 10 years, downsize your homes - I like the simplicity of her message. Her passion is refreshing when all we keep hearing in the news is negativity without solutions or a deeper look at how we got here in the first place. She mentioned people, money and things, in that order. Those at the top lost sight of people, only focusing on money...I feel lucky to have been raised with the greater good in mind, always above my personal agenda. Thanks mom & dad :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

On a day with only negative economic news, I am so thankful for our BEAUTIFUL first day of fall in Minneapolis. It's been in the 70's, breezy and sunny...I'm trying to soak it all up. Coop and I can't wait for another walk tomorrow :)

Gloriously Poppy

Awesome review of PT from London I believe...

"The Deerhoof comparisons are far more obvious when it comes to Ponytail. Like San Francisco's finest and most prolific their music is based around an arty blend of noisey, chaotic riffs (from two guitars rather than one), furious drumming and nonsense vocals. But it's nonsense vocals taken to the extreme. Satomie Matsuzaki at least uses real words but Ponytail pay zero attention to that whole singing stuff that you might find in the dictionary even if what actually comes out of your unparsable thing, that's for squares. Instead they opt for growls, yelps, screams and purrs (which I guess means that you could cite Roy Orbison as one of their influences). It's mental.
And it's great.
And at the centre is the diminutive figure of Molly Siegel. So small that she could easily be mistaken for a child of indeterminate gender (more girlish looking boy than boyish looking girl you understand. Or just in fact, a girl) I've never seen anyone appear so deliriously happy to be on stage. Constantly grinning and oddly dancing around whilst declaring pretty much everything to be "awesome" she's blessed with a sort of infectious enthusiasm that swept through the venue and caught up pretty much everyone in the room in a way you absolutely wouldn't expect on a crappy September Wednesday evening in Dublin. And again, despite it being a million miles from what you'd generally associate with the term, because they're basically 4 vaguely hippyish nerdlinger types utterly lost in the joy of making a massive racket, what they do is gloriously poppy."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To my Friends

To those of you who were in San Diego, as well as to those who weren't able to make it...I just want to reiterate how lucky I am to have you in my life. I wouldn't be the person I am without the influence of your love, humor, and incredible personalities. Thank you for being there for me through the highs and the lows, and for always keeping me positive. Love you all.


serendipity (n)
Synonyms: fate, destiny, karma, providence, luck, fortune, coincidence, accident, kismet, chance